Oh wow, where have I been this entire time? Since when was Disney MGM Studios now Disney Hollywood Studios?
Supposedly, since January 7, 2008.
Really? I'm honestly so shocked! Disney World obviously wanted this to be a subtle name change, because they didn't really bother to advertise it. Either that, or I was really living under a rock or something.
So, according to Disney World President Meg Crofton, the "new name reflects how the park has grown from representing the golden age of movies to a celebration of the new entertainment that today's Hollywood has to offer - in music, television, movies, and theatre."
It's really funny how she made that comment, because the first thing I thought of when I first read about the name change (funny enough, in Disney's Annual Report... don't ask why I was looking at it, because I don't really know), that was the first thing that came to my mind.
By making this name change, "old Hollywood" - with its fabulous, well made movies and iconic actors - has pretty much evaporated. Personally, when I was eleven years old and went to Disney World for the first time, I remember being FASCINATED by the "old Hollywood" theme present in the theme park. The Great Movie Ride, anyone? Yes? YES! My absolute favorite. The Tower of Terror? It was very "Old Hollywood," in my opinion. I also loved that it was called MGM Studios because as you may already know, I'm a huge fan of Gone With The Wind, which was an MGM film and a movie I first saw when I was ten years old, a year before I first went to Disney World - so it was fresh and exciting in my mind.
I thought to myself, now that it's called Hollywood Studios, it's probably going to be even more shameless self-promotion of new, hastily made movies. I think the statement said enough: the "new entertainment" is pretty much a big jumble of all four of those elements mixed together. Rarely do you find an actor or actress nowadays who can't act, sing, dance, and happen to have a string of TV shows and movies lined up. And boy, do they stick the many talents of these folks in our faces!
For the most part, I don't mind. I'll admit I get excited about the new films and new albums.
But I do still want a glimpse of Old Hollywood. And I want to find it in Disney MGM Studios.
Granted, I know a lot of it probably has to do with rights to acquire the name "MGM," and contract expirations and things like that. It still makes me sad though.
Thoughts on new name? I know it's trivial, but it's a huge part of my childhood, and I tend to refuse change for the most part.
i kinda feel you on this one. i, too, grew up with the "old hollywood". ahomg, tower of terror brings back memories for me... when the saa/sj orchestra and band went on the disney trip and i had that "thing" with andre mouton hahahah. oh wow, that was ages ago.
i have mixed feelings about this one. on one hand i don't like the mainstream-ness, rushed, quantity-not-quality stuff nowadays. but at the same time, i guess it's good that we have ALL these young actors and actresses that are multi-talented. but eh. i won't go into a soapbox here. but i'm sure you know where i'm headed and what i'm getting at so i'll stop there, lol.
by the way, don't feel bad about not knowing about the name change. i didn't either... if that makes you feel any better=P
Oh I definitely agree. There's nothing wrong with having people nowadays who are multi-talented. Good for them for knowing how to do more than one thing very well. It's just that sometimes, I feel that it's very forced. There are some people out there who just can't sing, but they may have achieved fame through acting and so are taking advantage of that fame to release music. And the music may be catchy and people will buy into it, while in reality it was very altered by computers and whatnot.
I'd rather have actors who are very, very good at their work - amazing - not simply mediocre in different areas just to get more popularity/riches/whatever.
yes, totally and completely agree. gosh, i reeeally need to change my settings so that i get notifications not only when people comment on my stuff, but when others comment after me. LOL. so sorry this was like the most delayed reply everrr.
hey atoosa! whats up? i lyke ur backround...."cough cough" lol sooo i LUV ur blog!! kay? lata
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