Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alright, Miley and Mandy just put up a new video, and they explained why they made the parody. Glad to know that the "Disney Family" are all on good terms. They're a lot nicer in this video, but they still seem a little fake to me... but oh well, the world still turns. On another random note, Miley's accent is incredibly thick in this video. The Southern twang is OUTTA CONTROL, MAN!!! Or maybe that's just me.

Okay, so I've already written two posts that are kind of related to the post I'm about to write now. The first one dealt with all the Disney Channel stars' youtube, myspace, facebook pages... whatever. The second one dealt with my utter dislike for Miley Cyrus.

First, watch the two following videos... in order.

Yeah, so... I know that BOTH of these videos are made for people with an IQ of like, 2, and both have absolutely no real meaning to them, but I really do think that Miley and her random dancer friend Mandy really sunk to a new low by parodying Selena and Demi. It doesn't matter if it was a complete joke and if the four of them are really good friends, it just doesn't LOOK GOOD. Miley and Mandy, to me personally, made complete fools out of themselves by mocking Selena and Demi. Why do I think this? Selena and Demi make these videos for their fans. They talk about random things, but they're just trying to be likeable to their fans. What are Miley and Mandy accomplishing? Nothing but utter obnoxiousness. It was just tasteless. And that Mandy girl seems like she's a huge bitch. Great way to associate yourself with such friends, Miley. Good job. *eyeroll*

1 comment:

Serina said...

WOW. atoosa i COMPLETELY and 100% agree with all what you said up there. i am so utterly disgusted. if i had so much hatred and annoyance for that whore before, i definitely have sooo much more now. granted selena isn't my favorite, she's alright to me, but i'd take her wayyy before bitchwhore ANY day. UGHH. and okay.. please learn how to speak proper english you bitchass whores. SRSLY. i think mandy, at one point, was like "we updateded it" or whatever. oh, and yeaaa i totally heard the stronger twang too. BLEGH. *has strong urge to smack bitchwhore upside the head*