So, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with Disney, but I'm equally a fan of Harry Potter and just wanted to mention this in the blog.
It was just announced yesterday that Warner Brothers is going to split up the seventh movie into two parts! YAY!!!! Honestly, you have no idea how happy this makes me. I LOVE the books like you won't believe, but I have NOT been a fan of the movies because to me, they make it seem blaringly obvious that they're trying to make huge profits while spending the least amount of money possible.
The movies just get created as fast as they possibly can, and beloved scenes and dialogues get scrapped mercilessly along the way. The last three movies have made me extremely disappointed leaving the theatre's midnight showing. The first two were great because they stayed true to the book. The fourth and fifth ones were, eh, alright... nothing like the greatness of the books, but acceptable. The third one... don't even get me started. Worst movie adaptation I have EVER seen in my life... but I've argued about it so much that I've gotten sick of talking about it. As of now, I pretend that the movie doesn't even exist.
Most of the problems dealt with precious scenes being either cut down or cut out because of time limits. Because the last one is going to be in two different parts, much of the emotion lost from the previous films should make their way back, and all I can say is I can't wait.
Too bad they're splitting it up seven months apart. The first will come out in November 2010, and the second will come out May 2011. Why can't they just release the whole thing at one time? That's the only problem I have with this situation. I wouldn't mind waiting until May 2011 for both parts at one time. They could put up an intermission like with Gone With The Wind, or something like that. But whatever... I'm happy they've decided this in the first place... I expected much less of Warner Brothers, I must admit.
Honestly though... in the past two-part movies have always been, to me, very enjoyable as long as they're well made. Take Gone With the Wind and the TV miniseries Anne of Green Gables. Both are long movies, but both were well-made and movies that people would want to sit through to watch. I know I will sit through both and love every minute of both of them. Harry Potter is one of those movies that if well made, people wouldn't complain about the length. I always hear arguments that people would get bored from overly long films. Well, if the movie is one of those Will Ferrell comedies or whatever, sure. Not Harry Potter. Good grief!
So long story short... yay for a Harry Potter two-parter! =D
It was just announced yesterday that Warner Brothers is going to split up the seventh movie into two parts! YAY!!!! Honestly, you have no idea how happy this makes me. I LOVE the books like you won't believe, but I have NOT been a fan of the movies because to me, they make it seem blaringly obvious that they're trying to make huge profits while spending the least amount of money possible.
The movies just get created as fast as they possibly can, and beloved scenes and dialogues get scrapped mercilessly along the way. The last three movies have made me extremely disappointed leaving the theatre's midnight showing. The first two were great because they stayed true to the book. The fourth and fifth ones were, eh, alright... nothing like the greatness of the books, but acceptable. The third one... don't even get me started. Worst movie adaptation I have EVER seen in my life... but I've argued about it so much that I've gotten sick of talking about it. As of now, I pretend that the movie doesn't even exist.
Most of the problems dealt with precious scenes being either cut down or cut out because of time limits. Because the last one is going to be in two different parts, much of the emotion lost from the previous films should make their way back, and all I can say is I can't wait.
Too bad they're splitting it up seven months apart. The first will come out in November 2010, and the second will come out May 2011. Why can't they just release the whole thing at one time? That's the only problem I have with this situation. I wouldn't mind waiting until May 2011 for both parts at one time. They could put up an intermission like with Gone With The Wind, or something like that. But whatever... I'm happy they've decided this in the first place... I expected much less of Warner Brothers, I must admit.
Honestly though... in the past two-part movies have always been, to me, very enjoyable as long as they're well made. Take Gone With the Wind and the TV miniseries Anne of Green Gables. Both are long movies, but both were well-made and movies that people would want to sit through to watch. I know I will sit through both and love every minute of both of them. Harry Potter is one of those movies that if well made, people wouldn't complain about the length. I always hear arguments that people would get bored from overly long films. Well, if the movie is one of those Will Ferrell comedies or whatever, sure. Not Harry Potter. Good grief!
So long story short... yay for a Harry Potter two-parter! =D
1 comment:
k you've convinced me to like the whole 2-part movie thing! lols. good argument!! srsly. but 6 months?! =( i'm glad they'll be able to put more quality into it instead of rushing it. can't wait!! =D
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