Anyway, on to Disney news.
Well, first off, I'm going to go a little off-topic for a few seconds.
1. I just wanted to tell you guys to listen to Alabina if you haven't. I don't know if they've come up with any new music, but I used to listen to these folks a lot when I was in elementary school. I'm not sure how I came about listening to them again; I just had this strange urge to look them up on IMEEM suddenly. It's a mixture of Latino and Middle Eastern sounds, and it's addictive. Their songs have been in my head for DAYS!
2. If you haven't seen 21 yet, I recommend watching it! My school is pretty much in the entire movie, and you can even see my dorm! (Well, from a distance at least). Oh, did I mention that Jim Sturgess is in it?! Or possibly that it's a really good movie? =D
Here's some eye candy.
3. To all you Anne of Green Gables fans, my friend recently informed me that this summer, Prince Edward Island is going to have a gigantic extravaganza to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the series. OMG!! It's like my childhood dream come true! I loved the series when I was little and actually started re-watching the films/re-reading the books only a few weeks ago! I loved Anne's quirkiness. And Gilbert Blythe. =P
Anyway... back to Disney news. Here are lots of new Disney projects coming up soon that you should look out for.
1. Camp Rock: Disney's newest DCOM is supposed to air on Disney Channel on June 20 (three days before my birthday!) I haven't seen any promos for Camp Rock yet, as I don't have the Disney Channel in college. Verdict? Looks good? Looks bad?
2. J.O.N.A.S.: The Jonas Brothers continue to reign on the Disney Channel it seems. This newest show, which features the JoBros as musicians who are actually undercover spies, is rumored to air on the Disney Channel in the fall. So basically... Hannah Montana is a regular girl who also happens to be a popstar. Now, the Jonas Brothers are popstars who also happen to be secret spies. Wow, Disney. Just wow. The premise for these shows just keep getting more and more ridiculous.
3. Jonas Brothers: Living the Dream: This will be one of Disney Channel's short series (similar to As the Bell Rings, I guess). The title seems pretty self-explanatory... a documentary of the lives of the JoBros on tour? Who knows when it's going to start airing, although I'm assuming probably in the summer.
(Honestly, WHEN did the Jonas Brothers become so popular, and WHY? They seriously came out of nowhere.)

4. The Cheetah Girls 3: The third installment of the Cheetah Girls will take place in India and will be sans Raven. It is expected to air on Disney Channel in August, similar to when the first Cheetah Girls aired. I admittedly liked the music in The Cheetah Girls 2... the music was catchy and something I could work out to. Hopefully the music for the third one will be good as well... if it's Bollywood-type of music I would die of happiness. BRIDE AND PREJUDICE, ANYONE?
5. High School Musical 3: As probably all of you know, HSM3 will air in October and will be in theatres, not on the Disney Channel. Okay, I admit I LOVE my HSM, but I love it on my TV screen. They better be stepping it up a notch if they want to put this in the cinemas. Already, I think they did a pretty good job by denying Ali Lohan (hallelujah! yuck) and casting the British Jemma McKenzie-Brown as sassy Mini-Sharpay and Matt Prokop as Jimmy. But they'll need to do more..
6. Wall-E: This newest Pixar film will be released on June 27 (four days after my birthday!). If you don't know the story, it's about the last robot on Earth, who had to deal with the Earth's rampant consumerism and the large amount of trash as a result. The poor guy has to pick up all the trash by himself! I dunno... it looks, interesting I guess.
Alright, that's all I know at the top of my head. Be sure to keep reading for another update, because I'm sure there's a LOT more going on!
awww! i actually didn't get pranked or anything today, surprisingly.
whoaa i didn't know 21 was filmed at your school!! that is sooo freakin awesome! too bad you didn't see a glimpse of him or anything.. or did you?
wow 100th anniv. where is prince edward island?? never heard of it.
aghhhh jobros *VOMIT*. camp rock looks like it'll suck SO much. the mom who plays in wizards is in it and she's like "YOU'RE GOING TO CAMP ROCK!!" to her daughter, and all of them are like wannabe-HSM throughout the entire preview and joe jonas is like "that's the song!" and that freakin stupid song is ALREADY on my last nerve. "we roooock, we rooock, we roooock, CAMP ROCK!!" ....WTF?! ughhh. yea srsly, suckASS. whyyyy do they have 2 new shows. whyyy are they even popular. srsly, i think we're the only two people who aren't fans of the freakin jobros.
anyway, LMFAO at "oh right.. other things exist in disney too" hahahah. sooo true. they act like hm and jobros are IT. i'm not too hyped about CG3. and HSM3 in the actual theaters is reeeally odd to me. wall-e looks weird, so meh. but still!! there has hardly been any word on tsl2, or... hmm, what else is there? LOL.
wow, this was a longass comment, HAHA.
Yeah! MIT didn't allow them to film inside their buildings, so everything you see that takes place "inside the school" is actually BU. It was trippy, man! At the beginning, when he's riding his bike across the bridge, you can see the back of my dorm building. Haha. And the place that is supposedly "his dorm" is Towers, the place where I eat my food a lot. I COULD HAVE auditioned to be an extra, but they were casting the week I was in LA last year. Also, nobody knew who Jim Sturgess was last year, because he got famous from Across the Universe, which came in theatres in the fall. So even if I may have crossed paths with him, I wouldn't have known! Haha.
Prince Edward Island is in Canada =P It's funny because I'm pretty sure that it hasn't changed much since the Victorian age, which is when "Anne" takes place. I ALWAYS wanted to go to Avonlea when I was little. I don't think Avonlea actually exists, haha... but I think Charlottetown and Summerside do. It's a good series of movies; if you have 10 hours to spare in your life, you should watch them! haha
HAHAHA, LOVE your description of Camp Rock. I haven't heard that song yet, but it sounds REALLY annoying already! Gosh, I just want to know when exactly they got famous, because I really missed the time in between when they were total nobodies to being all over the place...
I'm not too hyped about CG3 UNLESS it's Bollywood... that would be HILARIOUS. Who knows though... HSM3 HAH. At least Ali Lohan isn't gonna be in it. Yeah, what's up with TSL2? It's shady how there's nothing about it...
heyyy atoosa! i luv ur blog!! lol and u bg "cough cough" haha anyways...I WANNA WATCH CAMP ROCK SOO BAD!! IT LOOKS LYKE DA BEST MOVIE LOL IDK I JUST LUV MUSIC/SINGING...and u kno what analyn or whateva the hek ur name is..i think u shud keep ur fat comments 2 urself?? kay? KAYYY! lol sry getz me annoyed when stupid ppl lyke that do stuff lyke that...anyways..whats up atoosa!! haha i didnt get pranked much either hahaha lol kay well lataa
haha... okay kiana thanks for commenting... but good grief child, everybody has their own opinions! not everybody is going to like camp rock! it's okayy it's not the end of the world!
*sorry analyn* :/ haha...
aww that really sucks that all happened before he got famous! ohwells. lol.
hahah omg 10 hrs. i WISH. those sound like pretty places tho. =)
yea srsly, i totally missed that exact time period too btw the total nobodies to total superstars transition. nooo idea... shrugs.
ali lohan? lindsay's little sis?? i didn't even know she was even considered to be on there, wth.
and sorry if i upset you with my comments, kiana. to each their own opinion. and yea, i really don't like them. i honestly didn't know a lot of people read/commented on this blog, so i guess i'll just have to be more careful with what i say on here next time.
Don't worry at all about what you say on here! I completely agreed with you so I don't see anything wrong with your comments. Even if I DIDN'T agree, if that ever happens, then I'd appreciate what you have to say. Just ignore my grumpy sissy. =/
hey atoosa!! hey analyn...im really sorry i hurt ur feelings or anything, i really didn't mean 2! im soooo soooo soooo soooo soooooo sooo SORRY!! i didn't mean 2 offend u or anything it just came out rong. im sorry!! i hope u will forgive me and give me another chance. thank you soooo much and i'm realllly reallllllyy reallly sorry analyn!!!!
awwww!!! it's totally okay, kiana. really. and of course i forgive you. thanks for the concern, that was really sweet of you=]
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