Happy 22st Birthday to...

At 22, Shia's starred in films such as Indiana Jones, Transformers, Disturbia, and Bobby... plus he'll be in the upcoming Eagle Eye, New York I Love You, and Transformers 2.
A pretty impressive line-up, I'd say... he's come a long way since Even Stevens!

And here's to many more birthdays. I'm glad that Shia has continued to be serious and passionate about acting and has not gone overboard like *some other former child stars.* I've been a fan of Shia since 2002 and I'd like to stay that way. Other than that infamous Walgreens incident (which we can all pretend never happened...) I applaud Shia for continuing to stay grounded. :)
OMFG how SEXY is that pic?!?! HOTTTTT!!!! Holy hell, I never ever everrr thought I'd say that about Shia LaBeouf, LOL. Cuz let's face it, he wasn't the most attractive little kid, but DAMN that boy got hot. =P
And I also can't believe he's 22!! He's like MY age, wowwww. I dunno why I thought he was like 18 or 19.
LMFAO at the incident. It's too bad he smokes, but other than that, tots agree about how far he's come. His acting career, so far, has been great.
HAHAHAHA I know right? I was like... yeah, this is SEXY. This is going in the post FO SHO!
Lol I think his awkward years were especially during the second season of Even Stevens. In the first season he was a cute little kid, in the third season he got pretty hot... and now it's just like... DAMN!
Yeah it really is too bad that he smokes. But at least he's grounded. Other than Walgreens. LMAO. That incident never fails to crack me up. How ridiculous/embarrassing. But besides that, he's been doing pretty well for himself! I always knew he'd be successful.
And I love how when I was at St. Agnes I remember being totally OBSESSED with him... I'd go on this forum all the time and talk about him with other Shia fans. I actually still keep in touch with some of those people, lol. THOSE were the days...
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