Anyway, some cool news: this blog now has a co-blogger, my very good friend Analyn! Welcome!! She already wrote a rockin' post below mine about the new Cheetah Girls movie so check it out!

It was kind of funny... either nobody recognized them or nobody wanted to go up to them, because they just grabbed their instruments and left with no buzz or anything. I would have gone up to them, but it was way too awkward. I'm not a huge fan, but I do like some of their songs, such as Seventeen Forever.
EDIT 5/20: So am I totally out of the loop on things; I had NO idea the Z100 Zootopia concert was going on this weekend in New York. Supposedly Metro Station was there performing... Saturday night! As in, the guys on my plane most likely weren't them. Maybe they were their backstage crew or something. I was so sure it was them! I mean, there were four guys, and they looked like the guys in the picture above... but unless Metro Station discovered how to be in two places at a time (which if so, they should really hook me up with that!) then the four guys on my plane probably weren't them. What a bummer. I am so crushed!
Maybe they have their own personal high-speed "metro station" that takes them to New York in like, a span of five minutes. Hey, it could be done... *thinks about that train that's going to run from Las Vegas to Disneyland*
Alright, I'm only kidding - in case you couldn't tell. :)

Also, I have only read The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe (not Prince Caspian) by CS Lewis but I do recall that the battle scene in TLWW was like maybe 3-4 pages max. It was all like "The Pevensies fought. With swords. They killed the evil guys. The evil guys died. The Narnians came back to life and all was happy again." Whereas in the movie, the battle scene was like 20 minutes or so long and super intense. Hmm...
But anyway, the kids grew up quite nicely... especially Edmund and Lucy. And what else is there to say about Prince Caspian himself? Even though I would have preferred a British accent, that Spanish accent was kinda hot...
Lastly, I leave you with this LOL-worthy video of the Cyrus family at the zoo back in 1997. WOAH THERE Billy Ray's mullet! It really was "business in the front, party in the back!" Was it just me or did he seem more excited about being at the zoo than his kids? LOL. And check out their mom's hair as well. I also admit that while I'm not a Miley fan, she was the most adorable little kid ever in this video... what happened?!
LMFAO at that video!!! omg the hairrrr, holy patootie. now i know why Miley looks like that.. she got it ALL from her mama! lol. she WAS really cute there and i tots concur... what the HELL happened?! lol i've never even heard of Metro Station before, i had no idea. i dunno why i find that pic so amusing=P
anywho thanks for the shoutout!! awws=) crap i didn't get to post another one this weekend, but i will soon tho!! i ended up working and catching up on much needed sleep (intercession classes are kinda killing me lol).
aw you changed the pic lol. so who's who?? i'm gonna take a stab at it (probably unsuccessfully).. k so it's definitely NOT the guy to the far right!! LOL ok ok srsly now.. so the 2nd one from the left is mitchel's bro?? and the one on the far left is miley's? or is it the 3rd guy? maybe the 3rd, i would say. still a bit hard to tell for me. shrugs.
btw.. have you seen/heard switchfoot's "this is home"?? it's from caspian. DC showed the vid for it just now. i'm not a fan of theirs, but that one's not bad!
oh yikers... i DIDN'T change the picture! what happened?! ummmm. lol... i guess blogger liked this one better? :/
miley's bro is the tall skinny one. mitchels bro is *i think* the chubby one but i am not totally sure. did you read my edit? those guys might not be them. i swear to gawd though they looked just like the dudes in this picture. but they were supposedly in new york for zootopia saturday night?! i mean how is that possible? and if they're performing in new oyrk, then why are four random guys who look just like them picking up their instruments in a boston airport?
i am super mega confused right now!
forreals?! how in the world did blogger change that pic on its own?? creepyyyy. =/
snaps, i didn't notice your edit up there. LMFAO at "high-speed metro station" and "Vegas to Disneyland" hahahahah. that is SO weird tho!! omg i'd be hella confused too. i guess if the "fake" band can pull it off, hey! lols. can't decide if that's really smart or really... something else. haha i dunno.
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