So besides the upcoming CG3, what ELSE has been happening lately on the Disney Channel?!

Promos Promos Promos!! It's all about the promos. And the music videos, of course. The music video for "We Rock" is constantly played during commercials. CONSTANTLY. As well as the new JoBros music video from the movie, "Play My Music." I honestly don't think they show any other music videos anymore nowadays. A couple months ago they showed Raven's "Double Dutch Bus" and JoBros' "When You Look Me In The Eyes" quite a bit, but I haven't seen those in a while.
Oh, and let's not forget the pimping of Camp Rock!! (*points above*) Lots of fun stuff to do on there, apparently.
So don't forget, people.... JUNE 20!!! One more month away! And in case you do forget, there's a huge countdown thingy on the Camp Rock channel online. No, not kidding.

I know Atoosa already reviewed this below (sounds great! I can't wait to see it! ^_^), but Disney IS still showing tons of Prince Caspian.
So yes, indeed. Much hype for the hunky Ben Barnes. And who's complaining?! Certainly not I. All together now, yall: *DROOL*
There's been a LOT of behind-the-scenes stuff, where they teach us how to become a Steady-Cam Operator and how to make fictional animals from scratch, yo. We chat with the stars, and I surprisingly find out that Ben doesn't use his natural British accent in the movie. Um, why?? Well, I personally like both accents. (Atoosa said it was Spanish, THANK YOUU. For the life of me I couldn't place what kind of freakin' accent that was, LOL.) By the way, anyone else notice he has a butt-chin?! Kinda cute after a while. Wow, this is getting random.
So from what I've been reading on message boards, many are raging over the romance between Caspian and Susan. I've never read the books (and hard to believe, but I haven't gotten a chance to even see the first movie yet), but all I can say is... that kiss looks HOT. And from the trailer, it looks like Susan makes the first move. You go girl!!
Last piece of randomness, I swear: I just want to say, I am SO glad that Asian girl on the Movie Surfers finally dyed her hair one color and FINALLY got rid of those hideous red ends. Nothing against highlights. But I was definitely not feelin' THOSE kinds of highlights.
3) David Henrie grows out his hair
Oh, David, whyyy?? You were so much cuter with short hair. *pouts* Well, keep an eye out for him on the slopes with some Disney interviewer named, Chucky, playing the new HSM2 and Cory In The House games on Nintendo DS, and you'll see what I'm talking about. Or you can just check this out (though his hair looks a bit longer in that promo I mentioned). By the way, anyone else think this looks MIGHTY cozy? ;)

Maybe it's just me, but I prefer short hair on guys. Take exhibit A....

How freakin' PIMP is that jacket?! Gawd, I miss Ricky. SO MUCH.
Moving on to.... Exhibit B:

Okay, I won't lie: I like Ben with long hair too. But seriously, this new trend nowadays where ALL the guys grow out their hairs and have it all over their faces is just NOT attractive to me. I think it definitely suits some guys, like Jason Dolley and Mitchel Musso.
Wow, I really randomed this post out the wazoo.
LMFAO analyn you got me laughing out loud and cracking up through this ENTIRE post, no lie. seriously, that whole post was GOLDEN. =D
I think I'm going to separate my thoughts with numbers...
1. Hahaha, not only is Disney supposedly playing We Rock nonstop, all during my time at home my sister would play it on her speakers in her room. NONSTOP. And she even made a ringtone for it. I personally don't get the appeal, but sure.. okayyy.
I did watch Disney Channel a little bit though and I did see a music video for Switchfoot, and I totally squealed! It's was a definitely a breath of fresh air/departure from the stuff Disney usually shows! Speaking of, actually when I was watching Disney Channel they didn't show Camp Rock AT ALL, it was ALL about Narnia, they are freaking pimping that shit out, I had no idea! Even the kids have their own little Disney Channel intros!
2. "All together now, DROOL." HAHAHA so true!
About his accent, it sounded pretty Spanish to me. You can make up your own mind when you see it. He's from a made-up country of course so it could be up to your own interpretation, but it definitely sounded Spanish to me. Also I read somewhere that he wanted to model his accent after Inigo Montoya in The Princess Bride... ehh. Haha. I kinda wish he kept the British accent but whatever. LMFAO at the butt-chin comment. I didn't even notice at first! But it's totally obvious in that last pic of him with the short hair. Wow he looks so different! I can't decide whether I like him better with short or long hair.
3. I thought the Susan/Caspian romance was cute, but also a little weak, I don't know. The whole time you could tell that they had a thing for each other, but they didn't really address it directly. I mean maybe I'm wrong about this, but I think that if you hadn't mentioned the kiss to me before I went to see the movie, the romance might have flown over my head. But yes, Susan made the first move! Daring, I know :)
4. OMFG!!! I did see one of the Movie Surfer commercials and I knew there was something different about the Asian girl but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. THE RED TIP HIGHLIGHTS OF COURSE. Duhhh. *slaps myself*
5. David Henrie is looking mighty FI-IIINE with that hair! I kind of like it! Off topic (kind of) I was actually waiting an ep of Raven the other day (yes the same day as the Switchfoot video/Movie Surfers commercial) and he was in an episode! It took me by surprise... he was a little chubs! Haha.
But yeah, I have to say I'm a fan of the long hair on some guys. Ricky looks better with the short, IMO.
Oh and "I really randomed this post out the wazoo." LOL! i am sooo glad you are now a co-blogger! yayy!! you are a natural at this!! and randomness is never a bad thing! ;)
aww thanks Atoosa!!!! you are too sweet. i DID learn from the best! hehe. no srsly, you are reeally good at this and i just tried to make it like the same vibe-ish as yours. as well as a bit of the flow similar to how our fb posts/msgs go.. hahah.
LOL it's a good thing you don't watch Disney too much anymore these days or you'd be sooo OD'ed on camp rock, eh? =P but yea, totally.. camp rock and caspian are like head-to-head on the pimping scale at the mo. maybe caspian is winning by a few hairs, but i predict camp rock will be more pimped than already is come june.
lmao at the made-up accent. i think it does sound Spanish. like right after i saw you mentioned it, i was like yesss. but it's not like Mexican Spanish, but like Spaniard from Spain kind of Spanish. i'm thinking Coronado or something right now, HAHA. that's cool about the romance. i'm sucha sucker for that sorta cutesy stuff=P
lol david henrie. he looked so young in raven. gosh these kids grow up so fast..
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